Credits, Awards and Honors
Updated 2/14/24
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Recent Releases
The Complete Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman’s Chivalry, adapted and illustrated by Colleen
The Complete American Gods This edition won the 2022 Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album Reprint.
Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes
Heartstrings: Melissa Etheridge and Her Guitars
Blondie: Against the Odds
The Doors: Morrison Hotel
The Doors: Morrison Hotel Deluxe Edition
Recent Works
Neil Gaiman’s Snow, Glass, Apples, adapted and illustrated by Colleen
Neil Gaiman’s Troll Bridge, adapted and illustrated by Colleen
Sensational Wonder Woman, written and illustrated by Colleen
Wonder Woman Black and Gold
DC Comics: Generations
Power Pack Classic Omnibus Vol.2
A Distant Soil, written and illustrated by Colleen
Preproduction illustration for director Duncan Jones’s Madi
Shaun Cassidy tour poster and product illustration
Legion of Super-heroes Omnibus Five Years Later Volume 1
Legion of Super-heroes Omnibus Five Years Later Volume 2
DC Women of Action
Nubia: Coronation Special
Awards and Honors
Eisner Award Winner, Best Adaptation from Another Medium, Neil Gaiman’s Snow, Glass, Apples 2020
Eisner Award Nominee, Best Penciler/Inker, Neil Gaiman’s Snow, Glass, Apples 2020
Bram Stoker Award Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel Winner, Horror Writers Association, Neil Gaiman’s Snow Glass Apples 2019
Tripwire Award Best Graphic Novel, Tripwire Magazine Nominee Neil Gaiman’s Snow Glass Apples 2019
Reuben Award Division Award Best Graphic Novel Nominee, National Cartoonist Society Neil Gaiman’s Snow Glass Apples 2019
Rondo Hattan Classic Horror Award Honorable Mention Neil Gaiman’s Snow Glass Apples 2019
Wizard World Hall of Legends 2017
Great Graphic Novels for Teens 2017 Nominee Non-Fiction: Amazing Fantastic Incredible Stan Lee, Stan Lee, Peter David, Colleen Doran, Young Adult Library Services Association 2017
The New York Times Bestseller List: Troll Bridge 2016
The New York Times Bestseller List: Amazing, Fantastic Incredible Stan Lee 2015
Hugo Award Nomination: Chicks Dig Comics 2013 (Book Nomination)
Best American Comics: Gone to Amerikay 2013
Best Adult Books for Teens 2012, School Library Journal: Gone to Amerikay
Young Adult Library Association Great Graphic Novels for Teens 2012: Mangaman
Eisner Winner Tori Amos: Comic Book Tattoo (Best Anthology – Book Award) 2009
Harvey Winner Tori Amos: Comic Book Tattoo (Best Anthology – Book Award) 2009
International Horror Guild Award: Thomas Ligotti: The Nightmare Factory (Book Award) 2008
Women Cartoonist’s Hall of Fame, 2007
Chesley Award Nominee. Monochrome Work Unpublished 2002
Comics Buyer’s Guide Fan Award Top Ten Nominee: Favorite Penciler, Favorite Inker, Favorite Cover Artist, Favorite Comic Book A Distant Soil 2004
American Library Association, featured speaker 2002
Gaylactic Spectrum Award Nominee, A Distant Soil, Best Other Work 2001
American Representative Japan/America Manga Seminar, Tokyo 1996
Eisner Award Nominee: Sandman, Best Serialized story 1993
Eisner Award Winner: Sandman, Best Continuing Series 1992 (Book Award)
Eisner Award Nominee: Sandman: Dream Country, Best Graphic Album Reprint 1992 (Book Nomination)
Delphi Institute Grant: United States Information Agency 1989
Dori Seda Award Nominee: Most Promising New Female Cartoonist 1988
Exhibits and Appearances
Chivalry: The Art of Colleen Doran, 2022, Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
The Legend of Wonder Woman, 2021, Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
Women in Comics, 2021, Palazzo Merulana, Rome, Italy
A Boy and His Tiger: A Tribute to Bill Watterson, 2020, Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
Women in Comics: Looking Forward, Looking Back, 2020, Society of Illustrators, New York, NY
NASA Social Civilian Media Correspondent, Wallops Island Launch 2019
Manhattanville College, Guest Lecturer, 2017
Maryland Institute College of Art, Guest Lecturer, 2013
Brooklyn Book Festival, Speaker, 2012
Four Color Images Gallery, New York, NY
Kunstlerhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
Gallery Nucleus: 20 Years of Sandman 2008
Gallery Nucleus: A Handful of Dust, 25 Years of Sandman
Featured Speaker, CREATE: Protecting Creativity From The Ground Up, The Newseum
Comics Masterclass sponsored by The Australian Society of Authors, Sydney Australia 2011
Featured Speaker, Funchal, Portugal Book Festival 2008
Porto, Portugal
Secession Gallery, Vienna, Austria
Gijon Cultural Center, Gijon, Spain
Museum of Cartoon Art, Rye Brook, New York
Laboratory of Art and Ideas at Belmar
Out of Sequence: Underrepresented Voices in American Comics
Artist in Residence Smithsonian Institution 2006
Featured Speaker Singapore Writers Festival 2005
Guest of Honor, San Diego Comic Con 1998
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We’ve done our best to compile a complete index. Some items were removed by request. However, if you see something we’ve missed, we appreciate your info and updates!
There are many books that discuss Colleen’s work, or mention her place in pop culture history, such as The 101 Best Graphic Novels by Steve Weiner, Flee Puny Humans! The Comic Book Heaven Collection by Scott Saavedra, Image Comics: The Road to Independence by George Khoury, and Comic Book Culture: Fanboys and True Believers (Studies in Popular Culture) by Matthew J. Pustz. We haven’t had a chance to go over all of them, so we’ve just listed a few here. A search on major bookseller sites will help you get a better idea of the content of these books. Highlighted books have Amazon links with more information.
Thanks to comics historian Allan Harvey for all of his hard work!
© 2022 Allan Harvey
Read Online for Free
The Tragedy of King Alexander the Stag by Delia Sherman is available here. Illustrations by Colleen.
Books/Trade Collections
A Not So Foreign Affair: Fascism, Sexuality, and the Cultural Rhetoric of American Democracy (Duke University Press) by Andrea Slane (illustration)
Absolute Death (DC) (2009)
Absolute Sandman Volume 1 (DC) (2007) (oversized, includes reprint of#20)
Absolute Sandman Volume 2 (DC) (2006) (oversized, includes reprint of#34 with new inks by Colleen)
Alan Moore Songbook (reprints from Negative Burn)
Amazing, Fantastic, Incredible Stan Lee 2015 (Simon and Schuster)
Amazing Spider-Man:Cosmic Adventures Epic Collection Volume 20 2013 (Marvel)
Anne Rice’s The Master of Rampling Gate (Innovation) (1991) (Anne Rice
Anime Mania – Christopher Hart (2002) (‘how to’ illustrations by Colleen
– see also Manga Mania)
Art of Robotech 2, The (Donning) (1987)
Art of Star Wars Galaxy Volume 2 (1994) (reprints trading card art –
one piece by Colleen)
Big Book of Bad (DC) (one story)
Big Book of Grimm (DC) (one story)
Big Book of Martyrs (DC) (one story)
Big Book of Scandals (DC) (one story)
Big Book of the 70s (DC) (one story)
Big Book of Vice (DC) (one story)
The Book of Lost Souls (Mvl) TPB (collection of issues 1-6)
Call Me Princess (CPM) (collection includes an introduction by Colleen)
A Century of Women Cartoonists – Trina Robbins (Colleen mentioned w/art)
Character Design For Graphic Novels (Focal Press) by Steve Withrow (interview
w/ art)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser (tpb – reprints from comic)
Colleen Doran – Aaron Rosenberg (The Library of Graphic Novelists) (extremely
flawed unauthorized ‘biography’. Many factual errors. Should not be used for reference purposes.)
Comic Book Artists (Malloy) (1993) (short profile)
The Comic Book Rebels (1993) (interview)
Dead in the West – Joe R Lansdale (Night Shade Books) (novel with cover
by Colleen)
A Distant Soil (Starblaze/Donning)
1: Immigrant Song (1987) (colour) (reprinted in Aria ADS #1-4)
2: Knights of the Angel (1989) (colour) (reprinted in Aria ADS #5-11)
A Distant Soil: The Gathering (Image) (1997) (reprints Aria ADS #1-13 with minor art revisions)
A Distant Soil: The Ascendant (1998) (reprints Aria/Image ADS #15-25with minor art corrections)*
A Distant Soil: The Aria (2001) (reprints Image ADS #26-31 with minor art corrections)
(all volumes available
in TPB, HC, Remarqued HC, Lettered State HC/slipcase editions)
ADS 14 was a sketchbook issue with no story material and was not reprinted.
A Distant Soil: Coda (Image) (2006) (reprints Image ADS #32-38 with minor art corrections)
Drawing Action Comics – Lee Townsend (Colleen listed as ‘Consultant
Essential X-Factor Volume 4 (Marvel) (Colleen Doran pencils, one story, reprints X-Factor 55)
Excalibur: The Cross-Time Caper (Marvel) TPB (includes reprint of Excalibur #28) 2007
Excaliber: The Cross Time Caper Epic Collection Volume 2 2018 (Marvel) TPB
Fortune’s Friends (Starblaze/Donning) 1987 GN
From Girls to Grrlz – Trina Robbins (Colleen mentioned w/ art)
Girl to Grrrl Manga – Colleen Doran (Art how-to book on Manga techniques)
The Great Women Super-Heroes – Trina Robbins (Colleen mentioned w/ art)
Hanging Out With the Dream King: Interviews with Neil Gaiman and his Collaborators (Fantagraphics(interview w/ art)
Invaders from Below (Iron Crown Enterprises) role-playing game book (illustrations
I Who Volume 1 (one illustration)
Justice League 3001 Volume 2: Things fall Apart (DC Comics) TPB 2016
Komacon (Image Comics) (anthology Colleen Doran short story writer)
Making Comics – Scott McCloud (Colleen mentioned w/ art)
Manga Mania -Christopher Hart (2001) (How to draw in the manga
style – Colleen is primary contributor)
Manga Pro Superstar – Colleen Doran (Impact) (How-to book on Manga art
The Nightmare Factory (Harper) 2007 (one story only) GN
9-11 vol 2(DC) (2002) (single illustration)
Ocean/Orbiter Deluxe Edition (DC/Vertigo) 2015
Orbiter (DC/Vertigo) (2003) GN
Poems for the Dead (?)
Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud (Colleen mentioned w/art)
Sandman Companion: Hy Bender (includes interview w/ Colleen and art)
Sandman vol 3: Dream Country (includes reprint of Sandman #20)
Sandman volume 5:A Game of You (includes reprint of
Sandman #34)
Sandman Omnibus volume 1 (DC/Vertigo) (2013) (includes reprint of Sandman #20 and #34)
Sexy Chix (Dark Horse) (2006) (short story)
Sketch Manga (Impact) (reprints Colleen Doran illustrations from Manga Pro Superstar and Girl to Grrrl Manga)
Spider-Man: Back in Black (Mvl) (2007) (reprint of Friendly Neighborhood
Spider-Man Annual)
Straight on ‘Til Morning (Cemetery Dance) by Christopher
Golden (illustration)
Strip AIDS USA (Eclipse) (1988) (short story)
The Teen Titans Omnibus #3 (2012) (reprint of individual issues of New Teen Titans and Teen Titans Spotlight)
Tori Amos Comic Book Tattoo (Image Comics) (2008) (short story)
Troll Bridge (Dark Horse Comics) (2016)
Two-Fisted Science (GT Labs) (1997) (one page story only)
Ultimate Silver Surfer (illo only)
Ultimate Spider-Man (illo only)
Ultimate Super-Villains (illo only)
Understanding Comics Scott McCloud (Colleen mentioned w/ art)
The Vampire Diaries (reprints 3 stories written and/or drawn by Colleen, and a pin-up painting)
Vertigo Visions (one illustration)
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Wonder Woman: Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3 2019 TPB (DC Comics)
Womanthology (anthology, essay and interview)
Agents of Law (Dark Horse) (1995) #3 (one chapter)
Amazing Spider-Man, The (Marvel) (1989) #326
Amazing Spider-Man, The (Marvel) #600
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (DC) (1985) #12
Aquarium (CPM) (2000) #1 (alternate cover)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) (1991) (movie adaptation – reprinted
as Cartoon Tales)
Big Nemo (Electricomics) (2015) webcomic
The Book of Lost Souls (Marvel/Icon) (2005) #1–6 (series
artist, pencils & inks) (reprinted in TPB) Issue 7 completed, not published.
Call Me Princess (CPM) (1999) #1 (alternatecover)
(see also trade paperback)
Captain America: The Drug Wars (Mvl) (1994) #1
Captain America: AAP Playball (Mvl) (1992?) #1 (educational)
Captain Atom (DC) (1991) #51
Captain Awareness (2D Graphics) (1998) #1 (pin-up)
Cartoon Tales – Beauty & the Beast (Disney) (reprints the movie
Cerebus (Aardvark-Vanaheim) (1986) #91 (back up story)
Christmas with the Super-Heroes (DC) (1989) #2 (one
Creepy (Harris) (1992) #2, #3 (one chapter each)
Cyblade/Shi#1 (pin-up)
Darkworld Vampires (Millennium) (1995) (two pages)
Dart (Image) (1996) #1 (pin-up)
Death Gallery (DC/Vertigo) one shot (pin-up only)
A Distant Soil (1983-86) #1-9 (an early comic
book version of the story – later completely rewritten and redrawn for later publication)
A Distant Soil (Aria Press/Image) (1991- ) #1– 39 (current as of April 2013, now bimonthly from Image Comics, to conclude with issue 50) (1-11
reprint both Donning GNs with substantial additions)
Eclipso (DC) (1993) #10
Empty Love Stories (Funny Valentine Press) (1999) (one story)
Excalibur (Marvel) (1990) #28
Fallen Angels (unreleased Marvel Comics production)
Forbidden Tales (2001) #1 (10-page colour story – “Three
Black Hearts” )
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual #1 (Mvl) (2007)
(back up story – “Leah”)
Girl Comics (Marvel) (2010) #2 (pinup)
Ghost (Dark Horse) (1995) #3 (one chapter)
Grimjack (First) (1985) #27 (Munden’s Bar story)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (Mvl) (1993) #3
Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Mvl) (~1987) (various
Hawkman Annual (DC) #2 (pin-up)
Hellraiser, Clive Barker’s (Mvl/Epic) (1990) #5, #14 (these
were collected in a tpb)
Justice League 3001 (DC Comics) #6 (2015) (pencils/inks)
Images of A Distant Soil (Aria Press) (1997) #1 (includes
ADS story “R&R” reprinted from WaRP Annual)
Kabuki Gallery (Caliber) (1995) (pin-up)
Knuckles (Archie) (1998) #30, #31, #32 (3-part
back-up story)
Legionnaires (DC) (1993) #8
Legion of Super-Heroes (vol 3 Baxter)(1986) #27 (one
chapter – reprinted in Tales of the LSH #352)
Legion of Super-Heroes (vol 4) DC (1992) #31 (primary
artist on story with finishes by Curt Swan), (1996) #100 (pin-up)
Legion of Super-Heroes Annual (DC) #5 (1994) (one chapter
only), #6 (1995) (pin-up)
Lucifer #62 (DC) (2006)
Marvel Girl Comics #2 (Marvel) (2010)
Marvel Fanfare (1st series) (Mvl) #39, #55 (one
story in each)
Musings (Caliope Comics) (1993) #1 (sketches of “The
Mutant X2000 (Mvl) (2000) (Annual)
Negative Burn (Caliber) #14 (Alan Moore Songbook illustrations), #37 (reprint?)
Neil Gaiman Convention Booklet (1993) (one autobiographical story)
Nestrobber (1994) #1, #2 (illustrations
for back up feature)
New Teen Titans Annual (DC) (1988) #4 (one chapter)
Nightbreed (Mvl/Epic) (1991) #21, #22
Nightwing Annual (DC) #1 (pin-up)
Normalman/Megaton Man Special #1 (pin-up)
Power Pack (Mvl) (2000) #1–4
Red Sonja (Dynamite) (2013) (Colleen alternate cover artist, pencils/inks)
Reign of the Zodiac (DC) (2003-04) #1–6,
#8 (Colleen was co-creator and regular penciller)
Renegade Romance (Renegade) (1988) #2 ( “Eugenie” –
reprinted with corrections in ADS #34)
Sandman (DC/Vertigo) (1990/1992) #20, #34 (both
reprinted in Sandman collections)
Sandman: A Gallery of Dreams (DC) (pin-up)
Secret Origins Annual (DC) (1989) #3 (story chapter)
Shade the Changing Man (2nd series) (DC) (1990) #27–29, #31, #32 (regular
penciller for story arc)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel) #4 (2014) (variant cover painting)
Silver Surfer (Mvl) (1994) #89
Silver Surfer Annual (Mvl) (1994) #6 (pin-up)
Sonic (Archie) (1998) #69 (pin-up)
Sonic Super Special (Archie) (1998) #11 (one story)
Squirrel Girl #7 (Mvl) 2016 (cover painting)
Starchild (Talesin Press) (1993) #0 (one page splash)
Star Trek (DC) (2nd series) (1992) #24 (pin-up
Superman: The Man of Steel Gallery (DC) (1995) (pin-up)
Swords of the Swashbucklers (Mvl/Epic) (1986) #9, #11
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes (DC) (1986) # 352 (reprints
Legion #27)
Teen Titans Spotlight (DC) (1985) #19
Transmetropolitan (DC/Vertigo) ? (one page splash)
Valor (DC) (1994/5) #14–23 (Colleen regular
Vampire Companion (Innovation) (1991) #2 (preview for
Master of Rampling Gate)
The Vampire Diaries (2013) #1 (Writer)
The Vampire Diaries (2013) #3 (Writer)
The Vampire Diaries (2014) #6 (Writer, Pencils/Inks)
Vampirella Pin-up Special (Harris) #1 (pin-up)
The Walking Dead #1 (Image) (2015) Variant cover art, BW and Cover Painting.
Warrior Nun Areala Portraits #1 (pin-up)
Who’s Who (DC) (1985) #7 (Element Lad) (1990)
#7(Element Lad)
Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes (DC) (1988) #1-5,
#7 (various illustrations)
Wonder Woman (DC) (1990) #45, #49
Wonder Woman Annual (DC) (1989) #2 (one chapter)
Wonder Woman: The Once and Future Story (DC) (1998)
X-Factor (Marvel) (1990) #55
X-Men Millennial Visions (2001) (pin-up/article only)
Jessica Jones Netflix illustration (2018)
The Cartoonist (2009) Mills James Productions
Mainstream Raw: Colleen Doran (2004)
Mainstream Raw: Scenes from the Small Press (2003)
Prisoners of Gravity: Interview
Ringers Lord of the Fans (2004)
Sex, Lies, and Super-Heroes (2003)
Distance (unreleased Sony/Pulp Studios animated production)
SyFy Channel: various interviews
Super Idol (2001) (webcomic with
script by Warren Ellis, no longer available online)
Big Nemo (web only experimental animated webcomic with script by Allan Moore, no longer available online, for the award-winning Electricomics app (2013).
Finality (2018) (webcomic with script by Warren Ellis)
Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (Fantagraphics) #115, #164 (pin-ups)
Amazing Spoof Heroes Swimsuit Special #4 (Fantagraphics) (pin-up)
The Best of Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (Fantagraphics) (reprints)
Comics Forum #17 (interview/UKCAC)
CFD Cover and interior illustration (two issues)
Comics Interview #15 (interview)
Disney Adventures Disney (Beauty and the Beast feature)
Hero (various illustrations, features, articles, interviews)
Hogan’s Alley #9 (interview)
Small Press Swimsuit Spectacular #1 (pin-up)
Star Wars Magazine ? (various illustrations)
UKCAC 1998 Convention booklet (1998) (illustration)
Wizard Magazine(various illustrations, features, interviews)
Creator’s Alternate Universe Trading Cards (A Distant Soil card
Indiana Jones Heritage Sketch Cards
The Lord of the Rings Masterpieces Trading Cards I
The Lord of the rings Masterpieces Sketch Cards II
Marvel Masterpieces Sketch Cards I
Marvel Masterpieces Sketch Cards II
Robotech 2 (1985) poster
Sandman Trading Card Set (three cards)
Shi Trading Cards (one card)
Spider-Man Stamp Collection (children’s stamp kit – includes booklet
with art)
Star Wars Galaxy Trading Cards (card #221 of series 2 – reprinted in
Star Wars Clone Wars Trading Cards
Vampirella Calendar (Harris) (1996) (one image from the Vampi pin-up